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Put the signs down - The strike is over !

Put the signs down - The strike is over !

1 972 10

Ken Piros

Community Manager, Ohio

Put the signs down - The strike is over !

Two weeks ago the school board increased their offer but the Union turned it down without bring it to a vote of the membership.
Last Thursday a rally was held by supporters of the school board announcing that 60 teachers decided that they were going to cross the picket lines and return to their classrooms.
Friday supporters of the teachers union and representatives of many other unions held a rally urging the union to stay strong and united.
On Sunday after a meeting between the two sides the union decided to being the proposal of the school board to the membership for a vote. The vote was held and was approved overwhelmingly by the membership to accept the school boards offer.

Teachers get a 10% pay increase but the school board will no longer pay 9% towards their pension.
Step pay increases ( Yearly pay increase based on longevity and not performance ) that were suspend last year due to lack of funds have been re-instated.
Teachers that make it through the school year will get a $2000 bonus yearly.
Teachers will now pay more for their healthcare insurance, pay for their vision and dental insurance. They use to only pay 10% towards their insurance but ObamaCare is hitting us hard with increased premiums, mine went up an additional 12% this year. Average workers portion of healthcare premiums for a family is around $500- $600 a month.
Teachers will work 184 days a year down from 186.
Average teachers salary before the strike was $68,000

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Objectif AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G
Ouverture 3.5
Temps de pose 1/3200
Focale 35.0 mm
ISO 200