9 952 2


Premium (World), Bangkok


Passing the new Parliament Complex.
The Sappaya-Sapasathan is the third parliament house of Thailand replaced the original building Parliament House of Thailand that near Dusit Zoo. The Sappaya-Sapasathan is located on Kiakkai Road along the Chao Phraya River. The project was initiated in July 2008, when Samak Sundaravej became Prime Minister.

Sappaya-Sapasathan is the winner from the new parliament design contest by Theerapol Niyom the National Artist of Visual Arts. It is a large parliament house building project. On an area of over 424,000 square meters, with a total budget of approximately 12,000 million baht, can accommodate more than 5 thousand people, and can accommodate more than 2 thousand cars parking. The main feature is the Thai pagoda in the center of the building. This is the meeting place of two chambers: the upper house, (the Senate of Thailand), and the lower house, (the House of Representatives of Thailand), the two houses of the National Assembly of Thailand.

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Dossier New photos Thailand
Vu de 9 952


APN iPhone 8 Plus
Objectif iPhone 8 Plus back dual camera 3.99mm f/1.8
Ouverture 1.8
Temps de pose 1/4
Focale 4.0 mm
ISO 125

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