Inacio Matsuo

Free Account, Wuppertal

A propos de moi

"Photography, the Art of freezing unrecoverable moments"

To imagine is to travel beyond the boundaries of our perception, bringing back an intriguing prospective, twisting human emotions and nourishing a better understanding of our time.
To reveal and question is our continuous aim manufacturing the Art we all have inside. Our motivation as well as our challenge is to freeze an instant that brings us a distorted impression worth thousand of questions. We are on an eternal quest for a truly passionate view highlighting unnoticed point of views to the fullest extent of our emotion, observing the intricate human greed, going above the interpretation of love people share, playing with the exotic Nature offers, gathering feelings floating in our time.

My major equipment is a Nikon D200, D70 with an 18-70mm DX, 18-200mm DX VR, 105mm F2.8 Macro, 50mm F1.4, 12-24mm DX. An analog Minolta SR-3 and a cool Canon Dial 35. My first contact with photography was when I was 3 years old in a darkroom when my parent and brothers were developing their pictures.

I’m a passionate traveler and do hiking as much as time allows. Actually I do climbing and hiking to sense how tiny we are while surrounded by Nature and capture the amazing scene that I have been inspired by the same Nature.

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