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A Little Duck Before the Concert - No. 2 (F11 for best viewing)

A Little Duck Before the Concert - No. 2 (F11 for best viewing)

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A Little Duck Before the Concert - No. 2 (F11 for best viewing)

If this pleasantly plump little gal is feeling like "a duck out of water" on this spring evening on the
Promenade at Washington's Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, she has good reason - work on
the fountains that line the plaza has shut them down and, in the process, drained the fountain pools.

Available in archival gallery prints and as a custom printed photo note card.

Photo + Design ©2014/2015 Steve Ember

A Little Duck before the Concert?
A Little Duck before the Concert?
Steve Ember

Commentaire 2

  • s. sabine krause 12/02/2015 18:56

    city official: honey, you don't belong in a fountain!
    duck: !
    city official: shoo! go find youself a regular pond!
    duck: ?
    city official (growling between his teeth): tweety, i'm losing my patience here!!!
    duck: !
    city official: we turned the water off, you dig?! IT WON'T COME BACK!
    duck: quack!
    (meaning: it will eventually!)

    * * *
    stoicism thy name is duck!

    ; )

    greetings, sabine.
  • Dennis Maloney 12/02/2015 8:12

    ....great close-up image of the plump little ducky, but if she has been swimming in the fountains it is probably why they are under repair now, I don't think normal filtration and pumping systems are not build for the kind of things duckies leave behind.... :-)