Angelmó is a small Chilean Bahía ubicada in Puerto Montt, from the Tenglo Island, in the Los Lagos Region. Nació as a finale of the XIX.
The etimology of the name is discussed and usually attributed to the deformation of the name "Ángel Montt", a doctor who has a vivid vision of his father, but also without any registration of his existence, as a parecer se trata de una etimología popular creada posteriormente. The origin of the term for Mapuche, a possible option is ngeylmo (ngeyl: banco de mariscos, mo: locativo)
In actuality, it is a center of tourist attractions that returns to a feria artesanal, a port of embarque hacia el sur (Chiloé, Aisén, laguna San Rafael y Puerto Natales), palafitos and a market of mariscos and pescados.
Adele D. Oliver Il y a 17 heures
a fishing boat equipped for catching thebig ones, well shown from this angle, great
detail and bright red ... and yes, I was in
Puerto Montt :-))
warm regards,