Behind the C.A.C. II
The C.A.C. (City of Arts & Sciences) is built in one of the outskirts areas of Valencia.
So, if you go to the other side of built-up area you still can see the farmers in their daily works and their modest constructions.
Anastasiya Ivanova 08/07/2009 16:42
I know this is exactly where to find cheaper and larger lands for building artistic architectures, outskirts of a city...the reason why they are shown up here!decay 20/05/2009 12:51
PINDORIUS 15/05/2009 16:22
molt bo el contrast de les dues fotos, com la modernitat passa per sobre de la tradició, de com la especulació i el urbanisme poden sobre el camp i la vida rural, de lo fashion sobre lo bucolic ....