green eggs and ham
petit-déjeuner for dr seuss.
photographed at the weekly community market at shipyard's park
pax nunc et semper
green eggs and ham
petit-déjeuner for dr seuss.
photographed at the weekly community market at shipyard's park
pax nunc et semper
ann mari cris aschieri 12/07/2022 10:41
Chez nous, les œufs verts ne se trouvent pas, difficile même de trouver les blancs que je prefère... question de nourriture, je suppose.Adieu mon cher
Moni R 11/07/2022 14:07
Grüne Eier? Interessant, aber teuer:)LG Moni
Mira Culix 11/07/2022 11:00
some people say, green eggs are better for your health than white ones.quite expensive anyway, but probably happy hens ...
freespirit4 11/07/2022 8:30
I guess that´s the best we can do ... buy at the local farmer. Yummy ...LG Konni