La Rambla és l'autèntic cor d'aquesta ciutat cosmopolita. És un passeig que sembla un escenari permanent on, segons l'hora del dia (o de la nit) es transforma en una funció diferent. Allò que té de meravellós és que els propis vianants formen part de la funció, doncs la frontera entre actor i espectador es transgredeix constantment.
La Rambla is the authentic heart of this cosmopolitan city. It is a promenade that it seems a permanent stage where, according to the time of the day (or of the night) it transforms in a different performance. What it has of wonderful it is that the passers-by themselves are part of the show, then the border between actor and viewer is transgressed constantly.
La Imagen 23/08/2005 22:44
Es verdad, las Ramblas ... un bella composición ... un saludo ... DietmarUli Brennemann 24/07/2005 17:16
És com sempre: de turista veus molt mes que de "resident".A vegades trigo setmanes en passejar per Les Rambles i sempre és un espectacle.
M`agrada moltissim la teva postal.
Bona tarda, Uli
Josep A. Collado 15/07/2005 18:52
@FoRi], Yes, it is really very fun. You could spend hours observing how they react when somebody gives them money (or when you intend to make them a photo without "having paid" before).@Cees: Thanks my friend. This was the idea.
@Esther: I suppose that many of them will be there for long.
Really journeys to Spain every year?....
@Carles: Efectivament, Teresa -la meua dona- i jo vam aprofitar un cap de setmana que el nostre fill estava de colònies per fer l'escapada. I sí: aquest tipo és genial. Té més taules que un fuster!
PINDORIUS 13/07/2005 19:58
veig que has estat de turista per Barcelona, el senyor argentí que fa de senyora opulenta es fantàstic, per mi el mes divertit de tots aquests personatges.Esther Scheelings 12/07/2005 23:42
Indead, almost a postcared!!! it seems they are still the same persons like lost year So a great memory shot for me!! Love it (just like all off Spain....5 days to go....)Cees Kuijs 11/07/2005 17:02
This is great. Almost a postcard. Well done.Greetings, Cees
Fo Ri 11/07/2005 9:39
I know this. You put money in the box and they move. It´s funny.