Lagoa do Fogo 2 photo et image | nature, people, world Images fotocommunity
Lagoa do Fogo 2 photo et image de J Oscar Sierra Echo ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
Dear observer, once again you are taking us on a faraway trip with light and scenery that would make any photographer pack his bags and find the next flight to these green islands ! It is nice how the relief appears on these hills, despite (probably) the hazy air.
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Greg GE 16/06/2019 15:45
Dear observer, once again you are taking us on a faraway trip with light and scenery that would make any photographer pack his bags and find the next flight to these green islands ! It is nice how the relief appears on these hills, despite (probably) the hazy air.Dragomir Vukovic 16/06/2019 4:01
beautiful !!!