Sobrevivint a l'erosió - Surviving to the erosion
A les ribes dels rius mediterranis és habitual trobar forts processos d'erosió degut al seu particular règim de pluges, sovint torrencials.
in the banks of the Mediterranean rivers, it is habitual to find strong processes of erosion due to its particular rain regime, sometimes torrential.
Josep A. Collado 22/12/2005 18:13
Thanks, Robert. Likewise!Josep Antoni
Robert L. Roux 21/12/2005 6:08
Magnificent colours -and spectacular scenery ... !
Greetings y Felice Navidat - Robert
Josep A. Collado 21/12/2005 0:04
Thank you very much to the three.@Kim: the "powder" is only an effect of the light on the dry branches of the trees.
Josep Antoni
JVision 20/12/2005 20:19
Very impressing nature. Great shot.Greetings
Abdul Khaliq 20/12/2005 6:33
Excellent contrast of nature colours.-abdul
Kim Clauson 20/12/2005 4:55
I like how the red contrasts the green foliage. Question, why do the trees seem to have white powder on them? Very nice image none the less.Peace,