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Alexandre Gillieron

Free Account, Lausanne

Sroda - Zaniemysl

Die Schmalspurbahn von Sroda nach Zaniemysl war die allerletzte ihrer Art in Polen. Bis Ende der 90er Jahren fuhren die kleinen Züge täglich zwischen beide Ortschaften. Wer würde da nicht nochmals gerne mitfahren ?

The narrow-gauge line from Sroda to Zaniemysl was the last steam-operated such railway of Poland. The regular passenger services were shut down by the turn of the Century. Nowaday, the line remains as a museum operation.
Back in 1992, the atmosphere of this railway was simply incredible. Who wouldn't like to travel with this small train in a well-heated carriage during a cold winter day ?

Photo : Alexandre Gilliéron, 2/1992

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