Manuel Gloger

Premium (Pro), Düsseldorf

Student at work

Da unter den Einheimischen die Technik zur Erneuerung eines Strohdach leider nicht mehr von Generation zu Genration weitergegeben wird,
müssen Helfer vom festland diese Arbeit erledigen.

Because the locals haven´t passed the craft to repair a thatched roof from generation to generation, people from the mainland have to come and do it instead.

Thatching is the art and craft of covering a roof with vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge, rushes and heather. It is probably the oldest roofing material and has been used in both tropical and temperate climates throughout the world. Thatch is still commonly employed by traditional builders in developing countries, usually with low-cost, local vegetation. In Western Europe it is no longer a roofing material of the poor, however, and the costs of thatching a roof have increased markedly over the past 40 years.

Aus dem Archiv - 18.09.2001 - Nikon FE - Diascan

Roof Repair
Roof Repair
Manuel Gloger

On the thatched roof
On the thatched roof
Manuel Gloger

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