Waiting for customers... photo et image | landscape, seasons, winter Images fotocommunity
Waiting for customers... photo et image de Sanja Kukor ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
you´ve taken a photo I like it. A really very good idea and there is a good compsition in the picture. The fact the snow is falling down to the earth is a very important point to see the pic
A very good snapshot.
Extremely creative and a good view,
But I think actually it's 'a long long winding road' to get a customer ;-)
It seems the weather in croatia is the same like us.
In opposite to this sight of view I wish you a pleasant rest of the day.
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Andreas-France 06/01/2014 22:30
Nice photo, and the tree is waiting for spring and summer!luis garcia porlan 02/01/2014 13:05
me gusta mucho el motivo,bien buscado.michael-flick-photography.com 16/04/2013 19:50
Well, I'm glad this time is gone for the moment :) nicely shot. Best regards, Mike.Klement Günther 07/04/2013 22:47
Eine ganz tolle BildideeSuper
Monsieur M 02/03/2013 13:33
Yep, Very good! Even if the cusotmers stay at home, this picture is great.Greeting, Harry
Glenn Capers 16/02/2013 9:34
this is a perfect image and a great view point madefurio dolfin 14/02/2013 17:53
bella immagine ,ciao ,furiokobac1 13/02/2013 17:57
Excellent work!nice pic...Heinrich Vianden Fotografie 13/02/2013 16:36
Hi Sanja,you´ve taken a photo I like it. A really very good idea and there is a good compsition in the picture. The fact the snow is falling down to the earth is a very important point to see the pic
A very good snapshot.
Greetings from Bergheim to Croatia
Volker a.H. 13/02/2013 14:19
Extremely creative and a good view,Sanja.
But I think actually it's 'a long long winding road' to get a customer ;-)
It seems the weather in croatia is the same like us.
In opposite to this sight of view I wish you a pleasant rest of the day.
Thanks a lot for your comments to
and for my withered leaves
greetings, Volker
Adele D. Oliver 12/02/2013 21:57
I like this a lot .... the composition, all that red, the snow falling .... really well done, and a great title too !!!greetings, Adele
Elisabeth Hase 12/02/2013 21:32
Hier kann man keinen Wagen raus ziehen, das Foto ist gelungen! LG ElisabethChristine Ge. 12/02/2013 21:16
Ein tolles Detailfoto. Ja, auch das ist Winter ...Gruß Tina
Günter7 12/02/2013 20:57
Bei dem Wetter geht nix.Eine gelungene Aufnahme.
VG Günter
Rainer Pastari 12/02/2013 20:25
Sehr schöner Schnappschuss von der aktuellen Wetterlage. Alle freuen sich auf den Frühling.Grüße aus dem Südwesten