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Wat Phai Lom on Ko Kret

Wat Phai Lom on Ko Kret

9 317 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

Wat Phai Lom on Ko Kret

Wat Phai Lom is a renowned temple on the island of Ko Kret northern part of Bangkok.
It was built by King Rama IV, who had great trust in Buddhism. He directed Mons to build the temple and renovate Phra Pathom Chedi.
Wat Phai Lom houses massive holy ironwood used to carve a Ganesha figure. It has an elephant head with large ears and long ivories but a human body.
Notably, Ganesha is the intellect and wisdom deva. A thousand-hand Quan Yin statue, a Thai actor's mask, and Buddha statues may also be found here.

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