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Dampflok I

After photographing the Rhätische Bahn's vintage steam train last year as it
crossed the Rheinbrücke at Reichenau, this year I had the pleasure of riding it.

On a splendid autumn Sunday in early October, along with F-C friends Beatrice and Ruadi, I rode (and photo-
graphed!) the steam train pulled by the lovingly maintained No.107 "Albula" steam locomotive, captured here.

I do not normally include links to music, preferring to let the viewer conjure up his or her "soundtrack" to an image.
I happily make an exception here, with composer and steam train lover Eduard Strauss' wonderful Bahn Frei Polka,
in my forever-favorite recording by Willi Boskovsky and the Johann Strauss Orchestra of Vienna.

Alle einsteigen, und ich wünsche eine angenehme (musikalische) Reise!

This image is available in archival gallery prints and as a custom printed Photo Note Card.

Photo+Design ©2011 Steve Ember

RhB.107 "Albula"
RhB.107 "Albula"
Steve Ember

Rhätische Bahn Classic Steam Train at Reichenau
Rhätische Bahn Classic Steam Train at Reichenau
Steve Ember

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