Keeper of the Key...
...a most important one ;-)
On a restaurant terrace at Kunkelspass
in the high-altitude sun of an autumn afternoon.
Canton Graubünden, Switzerland
©Steve Ember
Keeper of the Key...
...a most important one ;-)
On a restaurant terrace at Kunkelspass
in the high-altitude sun of an autumn afternoon.
Canton Graubünden, Switzerland
©Steve Ember
archiek 22/04/2018 20:41
good shot of the gatekeeper. Nicely seen!Regards, Archie
Matthias Moritz 22/04/2018 7:14
A funny detail :-)Adele D. Oliver 21/04/2018 18:30
not an everyday scene :-))) great find and capture andmakes me smile !!
warm regards,